Parallel Session 1: Wednesday, 28 June 2023
9:00am - 10:30am
All sessions will take place in the O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs at 1315 E 10th St, Bloomington, IN 47405. See session details below.
Session 1A: Special Session on Culture Based Development (CBD) - O'Neill Room A225
Session 1B: Arts Markets - O'Neill Room A201
Session 1C: Clusters and Urban Development I - O'Neill Room A205
Session 1D: Creative Economy I - O'Neill Room A221
Chair: Asad Lalljee |
The creative economy in Guadalajara from the formation of gastronomic and cultural corridors Katia Magdalena Lozano-Uvario and Pedro Méndez-Guardado |
Cultural creativity and participation in India: the impact of the Royal Opera House, Mumbai Asad Lalljee |
The Value Recognition of Tang Cultural Scene and its Influence on Urban Tourism Brand: A Case Study in Xi’an City, China Qi Song, Xueying Zhang, and Xin Huang |
Session 1E: Digitization and Innovation I - O'Neill Room A223
Session 1F: Cultural Diversity and Inclusion - O'Neill Room A335
Last updated: 17 July 2023